Dr. Docia Hogan utilizes artistry and science to provide you with comprehensive family dentistry for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Our team will help you achieve and maintain teeth that are beautiful, functional and durable!
Call us today to discover the life-changing benefits of a confident, healthy smile!
Family Dentistry
Dr. Hogan will maintain your healthy smile and watch for signs of potential problems. With regular check-ups and cleanings, potential problems can be detected and simple remedies can be discussed while providing conservative treatment. The staff of dh Dental Care will take the time to answer your questions and to bring you proven methods for better, faster results.

Here are a few of the family dentistry services we can provide:
- Preventative Services
- Restorative and Cosmetic Services
- Nightguards
- Child and Adult Prophylaxis
- Comprehensive and Periodic Exams
- Radiographs
- Sealants
- Flouride
- Scaling and Root Planing (deep cleaning)
- Snoring Appliances
- Athletic and Bruxing Mouthguards
- Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
Restorative Dentistry
The health of your smile is important, but a healthy grin can still be hard to show off when you aren’t confident about the way your teeth look. At dh Dental Care, Dr. Hogan offers effective, modern ways to fill in gaps, remove stains, or correct any other condition that detracts from the beauty of your smile.
New techniques applied by our staff’s skilled hands along with quality materials help create natural smiles. You’ll find a complete range of restorative and cosmetic dental care which can help you look like you’ve never had a cavity and give you a picture-perfect smile.
Among our most popular procedures we provide our patients with are:
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Teeth Whitening (including In-office, take-home and Zoom! Whitening)
- Bonding
- Veneers, Bridges, & Crowns
- Amalgam (silver) & Composite (tooth-colored) Fillings
- Dentures (partial & complete)
- Extractions
With an artistic touch and knowledge of the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry, the team at dh Dental Care can design the smile you’ve always wanted. Before proceeding with any cosmetic enhancement, we will discuss which options are right for you. Together, you’ll discover just how beautiful and brilliant your smile can be.
Post-Op Instructions
Arestin is an antibiotic we place at the site(s) of periodontal infection after we have done a “deeper cleaning”. Follow these instructions for best results:
- avoid touching treated areas
- avoid chewing hard, crunchy or sticky foods (i.e. carrots, taffy, and gum) with the treated teeth for one week
- do not floss treated areas for 10 days after Arestin is placed
- notify dh Dental Care promptly if pain, swelling, or other problems occur (itching, rash, etc.), though some mild to moderate sensitivity is normal during the first week
Zoom! Whitening
For the next 24-48 hours after Zoom! Whitening, avoid:
- all tobacco products
- ketchup/mustard/soy sauce
- red sauces (spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, etc.)
- red wine
- cofee/tea
- soft drinks
- berries;
- colored lipstick
- colored toothpasted or gels, colored mouthwash or home flouride treatments
If sensitivity occurs after Zoom Whitening, do all or any of the following:
- brush with Sensodyne toothpaste
- chew sugarless gum
- apply provided sensitivity gel on teeth
- take Advil, Tylenol or whatever medicine you normally use for minor pain
Tooth Extractions
For tooth extractions, do not disturb the area. For the next few days, and especially for the first 24 hours, it is very important to allow your body to form a good clot and start the natural healing process. Swishing, sucking through a straw, and smoking can all dislodge the blood clot. Keep anything sharp from entering the wound (crunchy food, toothpicks, eating utensils). Be sure to chew on the opposite side and eat a soft food diet for 3 days. Drink plenty of water, and don’t drink any carbonated beverages day of extraction.
BLEEDING: When you leave the office, you’ll be biting on gauze to control bleeding. Keep biting on this gauze for at least 30 minutes. Don’t change it during this time; it needs to remain undisturbed while a clot forms in the extraction socket. After 30 minutes, you may remove it. You may bite on another gauze or a tea bag for another 30 minutes if you visibly see that it is still bleeding. Small amounts of blood in the saliva can make your saliva appear quite red. This is normal and may be noticed the rest of the day after the procedure.
SMOKING: Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Healing and success of the surgery will be substantially reduced by the cigarette/cigar smoke chemicals in your body. Also, the suction created when inhaling cigarettes/cigars can dislodge the blood clot. Smokers are at a greater risk of developing a painful dry socket.
PAIN: Some discomfort is normal after surgery. To minimize pain, take two tablets of Tylenol or Advil, or similar non-aspirin pain reliever every 3-4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anesthesia wears off. If pain medication is prescribed, take it as directed on the label. Taking medication with food or milk will help reduce chances of an upset stomach.
ACTIVITY: After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid in a quicker recovery.
BRUSHING AND RINSING: Around area of surgery, brush gently for 3 days. Avoid all rinsing or swishing for the remainder of the day after extraction – rinsing can disturb the formation of a healing blood clot which is essential in proper healing. Starting the next day, you may begin gentle rinsing with warm salt water (8 oz. water + ½ tsp salt) after each meal and before bed for the next 3 days.
Following these instructions very closely will greatly help your comfort and promote healing of the area. If any of the instructions are not followed, you might have significantly more discomfort, increased risk of a dry socket or post-op infection, and the success of the procedure may be affected.